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(full-time jobs)
All open part-time jobs in the Division of Student Life:
- Accommodation Assistant
- Admin Office Assistant
- Climbing Wall Attendant
- Desk Clerk
- Desk Clerk
- Desk Clerk Lead
- Dining Assistant (Student Position)
- Dining Assistant (Student Position)
- Dining Lead (Student Position)
- Dining Lead (Student Position)
- Hancher Catering Assistant
- Health Promotion Assistant
- IFLY Assistant Coach
- IFLY Assistant Coach
- IFLY Assistant Coach
- Intramural Sports Official
- Lifeguard
- Lifeguard
- MISSE Student Engagement Assistant
- MISSE Student Engagement Assistant
- MISSE Student Engagement Assistant
- MISSE Student Engagement Assistant
- MISSE Student Engagement Assistant
- Program Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant
- Retail Assistant (Hawkeye Work Grant)
- Retail Delivery Driver Associate
- Storeroom Associate
- Student Interventionist
- Summer Custodian
- Summer Desk Clerk
- Summer Maintenance Helper
- Swim Lesson Instructor
- Swim Lesson Instructor Aide
- Temporary Cook I (Non-Student Position)
- Temporary Cook I (Non-Student Position)
- Temporary Food Worker I (Non-Student Position)
- Temporary Food Worker I (Non-Student Position)
- Youth Camp Instructor
- Youth Camp Instructor
- Youth Camp Instructor
- Youth Camp Supervisor
- Youth Camp Supervisor
- Youth Camp Supervisor
Jobs by category:
- Aquatics (7)
- Catering (1)
- Clerical and Administrative (5)
- Customer Service (5)
- Delivery
- Desk Clerks (4)
- Facilities (2)
- Fitness Programs
- Food Service (15)
- Hospitality
- Human Resources
- Maintenance
- Marketing & Design
- Mentoring and Tutoring
- Outdoor Programs (1)
- Retail (2)
- Safety and Risk Management
- Sport Programs (7)
- Technology
- Warehouse
- Business and Finance
Jobs by location:
- Afro-American Cultural Center (1)
- Asian Pacific American Cultural Center (1)
- Bowman House (WRAC)
- Burge Residence Hall (5)
- Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (9)
- Catlett Residence Hall (1)
- Currier Residence Hall (2)
- Daum Residence Hall
- Dental Science Building (1)
- Eckstein Medical Research Building (1)
- Field House (7)
- Hancher Auditorium (1)
- Hawkeye Softball Complex
- Hawkeye Tennis & Recreation Complex
- Hawkeye Tennis & Recreation Complex and Hawkeye Recreation Fields
- Hillcrest Residence Hall (4)
- Includes All Residence Halls (4)
- Iowa Memorial Union (4)
- Latino Native American Cultural Center (1)
- Lindquist Center
- Macbride Nature Recreation Area
- Main Library (1)
- Mayflower Residence Hall
- Outdoor Rental Center
- P. Sue Beckwith, M.D., Boathouse
- Pappajohn Business Building
- Parklawn Hall
- Petersen Residence Hall (1)
- Pride Alliance Center (1)
- Rape Victim Advocacy Program
- Rienow Residence Hall
- River St.
- Slater Residence Hall
- Stanley Residence Hall
- State Parks
- UI Challenge Course
- University Capitol Centre (1)
- Westlawn (3)
Jobs by department/unit:
- Dean of Students (DOS)
- Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
- Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement (MISSE) (5)
- Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP)
- Recreational Services (15)
- Student Disability Services (SDS) (1)
- Student Health
- Student Orgs
- Student Wellness (3)
- University Housing & Dining (UH&D) (25)
- Vice President for Student Life (VPSL)
- Women's Resource & Action Center (WRAC)